Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alert - Santa Last Seen in Noril’sk, Russia Moving North

PR Log (Press Release) – Dec 24, 2009 – In the technology age noone is invisible.  Norad has been tracking Santa on his Magical Trip thru Russia.  Santa was seen arriving in Noril’sk, Russia dropping off all the gifts to the people on the nice list.  He even has a little something for the naughty list because Santa always can see the good in people even when we can't.

To follow this magical trip of Santa's that only happens once yearly and begins on Dec 24th of every year as far back as anyone can remember visit remember to share this high tech experience with your family and friends.  Send this link on to everyone.

Christmas in the technology age brought to the public by Skunkworks Marketing Solutions providing solutions to survive and prosper the current economy.

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