Monday, August 24, 2009

A Brief History of the Engagement Ring

PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 23, 2009 – One activity that you'll positively appreciate when doing the groundwork for your marriage rite is the marriage ring selection. Like most young girls, you have likely spent almost all of your life dreaming of the ideal diamond marriage ring.

Hopefully, you and your fiance have made a decision to shop for rings together, or you have informed him of what you like. If your understanding of diamond marriage rings is restricted to size, it's a smart idea that you get more info before you make your marriage ring selection. Loose or Set When the majority think about a diamond marriage ring, they regularly think about a stone that is already set or mounted. You can essentially purchase a diamond only and select a setting later.

The intelligence in doing so is cost. When you shop for loose diamonds you'll notice that diamonds are available in numerous sizes, including oval, round, and marquise. If you do not have a private preference for a certain style, you may want to think about your hands. Certain styles complement certain kinds of hands. A good guide is to match the form of the diamond to the hand. Do you have long, narrow fingers? An oval-shaped diamond or similar lengthened style diamond for your marriage ring would possibly work for you.

Round diamonds are regarded as a good choice for most hands. The ideal Setting Something else to think about when purchasing a marriage ring is the setting. It is generally less dear than platinum or white gold. A marriage ring set in 24k gold will be less resilient to scratches than a ring that is set in 14k gold. Platinum is by a large margin the most costly and most sturdy of the threesome. White gold tends to go with everything. White diamonds are easily the hottest.

2nd to the classic white diamond is the yellow diamond. A marriage ring featuring a diamond can cost as little as $100 and as much as $1,000,000. Usually, the quantity of money you should expect to pay for a diamond marriage ring will alter according to the kind of stone and the setting. The more carats a marriage ring has the more it'll cost. Diamonds set in platinum will cost the most, whilst you can spend tiny on a marriage ring set in 14-carat gold.

You can balance the pricetag by purchasing a marriage ring with a large number of carats and set in a more cost-effective setting.

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