Monday, July 6, 2009 Launches All New Re-Designed Website

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 06, 2009 – After 25 years of service to car buyers and selling in the Capital and Hudson Valley regions of New York, Autoguide Publications Inc is moving forward with the times. Recently, the 4th redesigned website was launched.

   The new website went live to the public at the end of April in an effort to assist a greater number of customers. The possibilities of the internet, we are very proud see the number of hits on the site increase exponentially over the first few weeks of having it up and running.

One of the most exciting statistics we have noticed since the new site was established is the incredible decrease in our bounce rate. The bounce rate for a website is the percentage of visitors who land on the site and automatically click off and go somewhere else. Prior to the implementation of the new site, the previous site as credited with a high bounce rate.  This rate has drastically decreased to into the 20% range!  This change is one of the largest pieces of evidence that we are moving in the right direction towards making car buying and selling easy for everyone.

We are also working very diligently in an effort to bring new visitors to the website everyday. With all Autoguide employees becoming more internet savvy by the day, we are able to create links and promotional possibilities for different sites all over the web. By simply taking some time to explore the sites out there, we are increasing the number of new visitors to the site everyday. The most recent statistic given to us was that 76% of the total visitors to our site are new. This is excellent news to us as well as our dealers who are trying to reach a new customers every day.

One of the biggest selling points to the customer is the ability to fully search our inventory with just a few small clicks of the mouse. Now, your dream car can be found in seconds, whether it be 10 miles away or 100 miles away!

   Not only will this new website be beneficial to the potential car buyer, but also to the dealerships in the area. By offering a level of customer service that our long time customers are used to, we feel incomparable to other websites and are looking to add hundreds of new dealerships to join us on our new website. The possibilities for growth and success within this new avenue of advertising are endless.  

   Autoguide Publications, Inc started out as an affordable community based local advertising magazine, and we continue to grow as the media around us grows into the digital age. We are still a magazine publisher bringing automotive buyers and sellers together for over 25 years, but we are now also a website!

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Autoguide Publication Inc:

- Produce a FREE, bi-weekly, community based automotive publication which offers attractive, timely and fresh advertisements to assist potential car buyers in both the Hudson Valley and Capital District regions.

- Distribute our product across Eastern New York reaching many different regions.

- Provide car shoppers with the tools they need to make an educated decision when buying a car.

- Offer our advertisers a superior level of customer service.

- Collaborate with dealerships to maintain positive and productive relationships within the industry.

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