Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Real Deal,UGG boots on sale,100% authentic ugg boots on

PR Log (Press Release) – Jan 17, 2010 – Fake UGG boots are starting to irritate me. In fact, theft of any kind is generally incomprehensible. If it’s not yours, don’t take it, and if you want something similar, act like the rest of us and work so you can get it. This is especially irritating to me in the case of artistic endeavors.

The idea of creative copyright is a relatively new idea, and really came into existence as a result of our modern technology. With the use of the Internet people are now able to download music and movies illegally, create blogs with plagiarized content, or even find completed papers to steal for school work. It’s a growing problem, and it’s difficult to claim your creative output as your own.

Of course, it’s not just music and writing that is subject to theft. From fake Prada bags sold on city streets to fake UGG websites, protecting your product has become more and more of a struggle.

Honestly, I don’t get the point. If you don’t want the quality of a certain brand, (and fakes are generally pretty poor replicas), why would you advertise your love of a cheap, knock off? For those who make these fake products, I’ve got to wonder if they simply lack a basic level of creative drive. I almost pity those that can only manage to copy someone else’s work rather than inventing their own.

It is satisfying to make something completely new, whether it’s a bag, a shoe, an article, or a song. There is a great sense of pride in that new addition to the world, and knowing that it is completely yours. There is also a sense of ultimate betrayal to see your creation stolen for the use of others without any recognition of the original source.

I think that often there is an assumption that a larger company won’t care if you create some knock-offs, since they’re already well off and don’t need the money. This is a very convenient viewpoint. What about the designers who crafted the item in the first place? What about the consumer who wants the real McCoy and is tricked by a crafty fake?

Creative ownership is certainly a hazily defined term. However, there are some things that are very black and white. If you take a preexisting design, name, and packaging and pretend to be a company you are not, that is fraud. Fake UGG company’s do just this. So, to all consumers: take control. Before buying, make sure you are buying from an authorized UGG retailer. For example, you can find listed on UGG Australia’s list of authentic authorized online retailers.

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