Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Information E-book Demystifies The Law

PR Log (Press Release) – Jan 19, 2010 – The new website http://www.QuickLookBooks.com has the latest eBooks for sale at this innovative new electronic bookstore and has published a concise guide to law as one of the first of its short, easy-to-read eBooks.

Quicklook@Law offers readers the chance to get to grips with the fundamentals of English law, describing how the law as we know it has been formed and exploring the different disciplines of the legal profession. It also gives an insight into how the law works as a business and forms a significant part of the economy.

Written in a concise format, the new eBook covers the main aspects of the law without becoming bogged down in a long list of case references and Acts of Parliament, according to author Peter McGarrick.

“I wanted to demonstrate to people that the law does not have to be forbidding or unapproachable,” said McGarrick. “Almost every law book is full of case references and statutes, but law as a subject is more accessible for the layman if this can be avoided.

“In Quicklook@Law I have given the reader the information that is needed to understand the basics of the subject without losing their interest.

“The aim is to equip readers with a grasp of the main points in a ninety minute read,” he explained. “This may be all that the reader wants to know, or can be a good basis for more detailed reading later.

“Whatever the case, I hope that this book will provide the perfect springboard for those wishing to learn about this interesting and absorbing subject,” concluded McGarrick.

Peter McGarrick worked as a solicitor in London for over 30 years, in which time he gained experience with a number of law firms and also a local authority. He became a partner in a large practice, operating in the City of London. He spent a number of years heavily engaged in law firm management. He now works as a mediator.

For more information, please contact check out the Quick Look Books eBook website or email info@quicklookbooks.com

Notes to Editors:

Quicklook books are short non-fiction books. Assuming no prior knowledge on the part of readers, they deliver a basic knowledge of a subject in a book that most people will read in less than 90 minutes. A wide range of subjects will be covered. Other early titles will be Medicine, Law, Accountancy, Wine, Flying, Defence and Human Resources. Unlike most e books, Quicklook books can be printed by purchasers. All Quicklook books cost £2.99, which includes VAT, where applicable.

For more information, please go to www.quicklookbooks.com.

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