Saturday, January 9, 2010

Luxurious organic skin and body care products - Grace & Pepper Organics

PR Log (Press Release) – Jan 08, 2010 – Melanie started the line to honor the memory of her Black Lab, Lexie, her faithful companion for ten years. “Lexie taught me that life is short, and you should chase your dreams regardless of those who question how sane you are for leaving a fabulous corporate job.”

At 25, Melanie was diagnosed with adult acne. She spent years trying every over-the-counter and prescription treatment available. When potentially toxic medications still gave her no relief, she turned to organics.

Virtually every commercial skincare product available today, including many labeled “Natural” or “Organic,” is anything but. The more Melanie learned about what’s in most skincare, the more convinced she became that women (and men!) need truly natural alternatives. She decided to create her own skincare line; one designed to calm, nourish and support the skin, without a list of chemicals a mile long.

After two years of researching and sourcing ingredients, using friends and family as human guinea pigs, Grace & Pepper Organics was born.

Grace & Pepper products are cruelty-free, naturally preserved, and organic. The line includes a Calming Facial Toner with Lavender and Chamomile, Clarifying Facial Cleanser with Activated Charcoal and Green Tea, Clarifying Facial Moisturizer with Shea and Jojoba, and a Moisturizing Eye Cream with Pomegranate Extracts.

The ingredients are fair trade, and even their manufacturing facility is FDA registered, USDA Organic Certified, and uses renewable energy sources. They’ve also been “Stamped Green” for their commitment to green, eco-friendly business practices.

We think Lexie would be proud.

Grace & Pepper products are available online at

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