Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Ratings are In for The Best Portable Indoor Heater

PR Log (Press Release) – Nov 24, 2009 – With cold weather quickly approaching it is time to evaluate our heating requirements and determine which indoor portable heater is the best option for our needs. Not only do we need an indoor portable heater that will efficiently heat our home but we also need an economical heating unit that will be safe. There is a wide diversity of heating products on the market but this article will examine the newest heating method to hit the scene since it is rated the safest, most efficient and economical - Infrared Heat.

The safest:

Did you know that portable indoor heaters are a major cause of residential fires? If you look at the statistics you will assuredly notice a direct correlation between cold weather and home fires. The reason for this sudden increase is due to the use of small room heaters and other various heating tools needed for winter weather conditions. If this is the case, how can we enjoy the benefits of a small home heater while remaining free from the risk of fires, carbon monoxide poisoning or other accompanying adverse health effects. The answer is simple - Infrared Heat. Infrared portable heaters cannot start a fire and in no way pose a fire hazard. The design of infrared heaters, such as iHeater, eliminate the risk of fires started from heating elements and flammable fuels. As well, unlike natural gas or propane heaters there is no risk of carbon monoxide issues. With these awesome safety features it is no wonder that the iHeater has been awarded the highest safety rating!

Infrared heaters are also good for your well-being. Other electric heaters rob moisture from the air creating a dry living environment. Unfortunately, there are many adverse health effects which accompany dry air. The bodies first defense against viruses, bacteria and allergens are the mucous lining within the nose, throat and airways. They work to catch these harmful particles from entering the bloodstream and causing infection or irritation. Within a dry environment the mucous linings dry out and are unable to effectively trap unwanted viruses, bacteria and allergens- meaning more colds and viruses on the horizon. If you have athsma or allergies this equates to more athsma attacks or allergic reactions. Not to mention all of the other problems caused by dry air, such as:

Headaches and Migraines

Bleeding Nose

Dry and Itching Skin

Static Electricity

Wood Damage(wood gets dried out and cracks)

Most Efficient:

Infrared heaters provide consistent and even heating. Unlike other electric heaters they do not create pockets of varying temperatures within your home. This effective heating method ensures that room temperatures remain consistent from floor to ceiling. This means no more waking up to our feet hitting a cold floor! Another added benefit is the light and wheeled design of the iHeater - making it the embodiment of portability. As well, with its silent operation the iHeater infrared heater is the perfect room heater as it will not disturb your sleep or daily activities.

Most Economical:

With heating prices continually sky rocketing within a recession based economy who can afford the expenses? Unfortunately, we need to have a heated home so we are entrapped by the heating companies, right? Not at all! Infrared heaters are very inexpensive to operate. Matter in fact, the iHeater will keep a 1000-1500 square foot area heated for about a dollar a day. By using an infrared heat based unit you will save up to 50% on your heating bills.

As you can see, the new technological advances within the heating field have created the ultimate portable indoor heating method - Infrared Heat. No longer do you need to endanger your well-being, pocket book or comfort for the sake of using an electric portable indoor heater. The benefits associated with using an infrared heater are many. Why settle for mediocre heating solutions when you can have the safest, most efficient and most economical home heater operating within your house today?


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