Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Style Yourself Confidently And Effectively

PR Log (Press Release) – Mar 16, 2010 – Summery textures, colours and shapes can make you feel lighter, freer, revitalised, and can also awaken your inner confidence. Or not. It all depends on the choices you make.

Have you noticed your posture and confidence can vary depending on the clothes you wear?

We are constantly being bombarded with dozens of style rules that dictate what we should be wearing for our height, size and body shape.

But how about the rules of confidence?

You can squeeze yourself into a pair of skinny jeans, just because they are in fashion. But if they are not You, if you don’t feel one hundred per cent comfortable and confident in them, your posture and movement will give it away.

You might walk funny, or move in a restricted and awkward way. It might even make you behave in an uncharacteristic way.

When it comes to clothes, if you don’t feel 100% at ease and great in them, who cares if they are in, avoid them.

Make sure to wear clothes you feel comfortable in and that reflect your personality, as well as how you want to come across.

If you have insecurities about your body and force yourself to follow too many fashion rules too strictly, you can sometimes enforce those insecurities.

So, instead, ask yourself, what type of colours, textures and shapes will make you feel more confident and at ease?

What type of event are you dressing for?

How would you like to come across?  

How would you like to affect people?

Some single women looking for love dress overly sexy in the hope they will get male attention.

While research shows that men like feminine women, they tend to prefer a more approachable look, like the cute t-shirt, jeans and heels combo, or a flirty and cute dress.

Some women say they always attract the wrong kind of man. Many are not aware that the clothes they wear and their body language could be sabotaging things for them.

At the same time, some single men say that jeans,  a sports t-shirt and a pair of comfy old trainers is who they are, and that they should be accepted for who they are.

They know what type of woman they want to attract. But they don’t think about what that type of woman would find attractive.

Sometimes, your intention, even if it’s good, can clash with the way you come across.

So, whether you are looking to succeed at a job interview, find the love of your life, or just feel better about yourself, it’s important to know how to style yourself confidently, and effectively.

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